Logo Logistik in BewegungFundraising campaign for the Nicolaidis YoungsWings Foundation / Logistics companies across Germany get moving for a good cause / Baytree, Four Parx, Hellmann, Logivest, Loxxess and many other logistics-related companies pledge their support for 2024 / You can join in at any time

Here we go again: from 1 July to 30 September 2024, every kilometre that is ‘sported’ counts. For the fifth time in a row, the ‘Logistik in Bewegung’ initiative is calling on logistics-related companies across Germany to take part in sport and raise money for the Nicolaidis YoungWings Foundation.

Last year, the logisticians covered the impressive distance of around 98,000 kilometres, raising almost 79,000 euros.

As in previous years, 100 per cent of the proceeds will go to the Nicolaidis YoungWings Foundation. The foundation supports young bereaved people up to the age of 49 throughout Germany after the death of their partner, as well as children, teenagers and young adults after the death of one or both parents. In February of this year, the foundation was able to move into the new Sternenhaus at Nockherberg in Munich. ‘The Sternenhaus fulfils the dream of our foundation founder Martina Münch-Nicolaidis, who had the idea 20 years ago to create a central contact point for young mourners. Even though the building is not quite finished yet, we are already able to realise almost all of our services under the new star-shaped roof. It makes me very happy that we can support children, teenagers and young adults with various programmes during this difficult time,’ says Karin Neumeier, Chairwoman of the Nicolaidis YoungWings Foundation. ‘The commitment of ‘Logistik in Bewegung’ is very important to us, as both the foundation's ongoing work and the completion of the Sternenhaus are largely financed by donations.’

‘We are already in the wings and would be delighted if we, as a logistics community, could use the proceeds from ‘Logistik in Bewegung’ to help complete the Sternenhaus and enable the foundation to carry out its valuable work again this year. For us as Logivest, the cohesion across the locations grows through sporting for the common goal, and I hope that as many logistics companies as possible will take part and benefit from this positive effect,’ says Kuno Neumeier, CEO of the Logivest Group, which launched the initiative in 2020.

Since 1 July 2024, kilometres have been counted again in Germany in order to generate the highest possible donation amount. Logistics-related companies and their employees are tracking their sports routes - whether running, cycling, swimming or skating - any kind of exercise is allowed. Each company decides for itself how the kilometres covered by its employees are rewarded. All activities are documented with photos or screenshots from the pedometer or fitness app and can be posted both within the participating companies.

In order to offer the charity campaign a larger platform, Logivest will make its Instagram channel available from 1 July, as it does every year, and will regularly post photos and interim results of the participating companies.

To date, the following companies have already confirmed their support for 2024 Baytree Logistics Properties LLP, fabrikon GmbH, Four Parx Holding GmbH, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics SE & Co. KG, Logivisor.com, Loxxess AG, P3Logistic Parks GmbH, teamtosse GmbH and, of course, Logivest GmbH. The campaign starts on 1 July and runs up to and including 30 September 2024, and participation is possible at any time. Companies that would still like to take part in the initiative can obtain further information at: https://www.logivest.de/unternehmen/logistik-in-bewegung

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