Freight villages provide a wide range of benefits:
- Excellent infrastructure – some are trimodal
- Located at the crossroads of national transportation networks
- Efficient logistics space
- Human resource potential for the logistics industry
- 24-hour use of logistics facilities available
- Very high planning dependability and legal certainty
- Options to expand warehouses and/or building areas for major logistics settlements
- Freight villages are a widely recognized brand
- Very wide and deep choice of options for logistics firms
These are the reasons for why to the logistics industry freight villages are highly efficient logistics sites.
On the following pages we have compiled for you key facts about the series of freight villages as defined by the Association of German Freight Villages. Please feel free to contact us if you require further information.
Points of interest
Map settings
Points of interest
- Augsburg
- Berlin East
- Berlin South
- Berlin West
- Bremen
- Cologne
- Dresden
- Emsland
- Erfurt
- Europark Coevorden
- Frankfurt/Oder
- Göttingen
- Hannover-Lehrte
- Herne-Emscher
- Hof
- Ingolstadt
- JadeWeserPort
- Kassel
- Kiel
- Koblenz
- Leipzig
- Lübeck
- Magdeburg
- Nuremberg
- Osnabrück
- Regensburg
- Rheine
- Rostock
- Salzgitter
- Schönefelder Kreuz
- Southwest Saxony
- Trier
- Ulm
- Weil am Rhein
- Wolfsburg